WSSI Comprehensive List of Services
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. provides an extensive range of natural and cultural resource consulting services. Contact us about your project; there's no one better in the field.
Natural Resources and Water Resource Engineering
- Wetland delineation
- Wetland reconnaissance
- Wetland functional assessment
- Jurisdictional determinations
- Stream assessments
- Wetland and stream mitigation monitoring
- Biological inventories
- Vegetation inventories and assessments
- Rare plant community assessments
- Endangered and threatened searches and habitat evaluation
- Acoustic bat survey
- Bald eagle habitat evaluation and search
- Harperella habitat evaluation and search
- Swamp pink habitat evaluation and search
- Wood turtle habitat evaluation and search
- Small whorled pogonia habitat evaluation and search
- Water quality sampling
- Biological water quality assessments
- Macroinvertebrate sampling and identification
- Submerged aquatic vegetation surveys
- Chesapeake Bay ordinance studies
- Environmental Site Assessments
- Stream restoration and stabilization design
- Wetland mitigation design
- Sustainable site design
- Stormwater wetland systems design
- Stream assessments
- Watershed/floodplain studies
- Chesapeake Bay ordinance compliance
- Stormwater management facility retrofits
- Stream and wetland construction management
- Post-construction ecosystem monitoring
- Dams
- Dam inspections
- Small dam/pond design and/or analysis
- Dam inundation studies
- Pond/lake sedimentation analysis
- Assistance with Operation and Maintenance Certificates for State Regulated Dams
- Emergency Action Plans
- Operations and Maintenance Manuals
- Floodplains
- General consulting
- Compliance with floodplain regulations (floodplain/waterfront development)
- Flood mitigation
- Floodproofing
- Flood Insurance
- Floodplain studies and analysis
- FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map revisions
- Assist localities/communities in developing/revising floodplain regulations
- Landscape architecture
- Existing vegetation preservation plans
- Conceptual and final landscape design
- Green Infrastructure
- Low-Impact Development
- Section 404/401 Clean Water Act Permits
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) assistance and documentation
- Bald Eagle and Eagle Nest Take Permits
- Impact compensation planning and mitigation
- Local government activity support
- Construction monitoring
- Corrective Action Plans for unauthorized wetland impacts
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting
- NPDES site inspections
- NPDES site audits
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development and review
- Forest stand delineations
- Existing vegetation inventories
- Natural resources inventories
- Existing conditions analysis
- Arborist oversight and monitoring
- Tree stand evaluations
- Tree preservation planning
- Forest conservation plans
- Tree save plans
- Tree appraisals
- Risk assessments
- General arboricultural consulting
- Specimen tree assessments
- Tree inventory and condition assessments
- Tree maintenance recommendations
- GIS/GPS tree inventories
- Wetland and stream restoration construction oversight
- Wetland mitigation maintenance
- Wetland mitigation monitoring
- Hydraulic dredging
- Stormwater management facility inspections
- Stormwater management facility maintenance
- Trail and boardwalk construction and maintenance
- Invasive species control
- Wildlife habitat enhancement
- Native plant propagation
- Tree preservation plan implementation
- Permeability testing
- Integrated pest management
- Wetland delineation location survey
- Archeological site (Including graves) location survey
- Stream profiles and cross-sections
- Topographic survey
- Construction stake-out
- As-built survey
- Bathymetric survey
- House location survey
- Boundary survey
- Tree identification and location survey
- Rare, endangered, and threatened species location survey
- UAV (drone) survey
- Stormwater and sanitary utility surveys
- Confined space surveys
- Digital imagery and map overlays
- Aerial photograph interpretation
- Land cover mapping
- Aerial and spatial land database maps
- Desktop wetland reconnaissance
- Chesapeake Bay protection ordinance mapping
- Environmental analyses for rezoning
- Feasibility studies
- Hydrologic modeling base maps
- Environmental modeling
- Watershed delineations and analysis mapping
- Line of sight and viewshed profile maps
- Historic deed and plat overlay maps
- Site suitability analysis and maps
- Project location and direction maps
- Current land use and future zoning maps
- Retail/commercial location analyses
- Presentation graphics and maps
- Photography and Videography
- Real estate marketing
- Panoramic images
- 3D models for virtual tours
- Inspections and monitoring: construction, encroachments, site maintenance
- Survey-grade detail
- Real-time inspections to track project progress
- Cut/Fill analyses on construction sites and quarries
- Topography, floodplain evaluation, 3D modeling of existing conditions and as-builts (allows for virtual design)
- Land surveying (as-builts, topographic)
- Bathymetric surveys
- Wildlife surveys (such as nest counts and habitat analysis)
- Aerial tree health inspections
- Vegetation analysis
- Dam removal monitoring
- Virtual spatial/collision analysis
- LiDAR & Photogrammetry Support, Training, and Consultation via CivilTraining
- UAV flight and post processing
- UAV program development (Regulation/Safety/Best Practices)
- HD Scanning (Terrestrial LiDAR) Program Development and Processing
- Point Cloud Registration and Post-Processing
- Point Cloud-Developed Planimetric and Topographic Mapping
- GIS database development and solutions
- Civil software customization and deployment
- Custom documentation
- Promotion of industry best practices
- Project management
- Survey automation
- Lecture-style AutoCAD Civil 3D Short Courses
- Hands-on training courses
- CAD Standards development and customization
- CAD Process evaluation
- Custom project folder creators
- Automated XREF management
Cultural Resources
- Cultural Resources Site Assessment
- Phase IA (Reconnaissance Level) Investigation
- Phase I (Identification Level) Investigation
- Phase II Evaluation
- Phase III (Data Recovery) Excavations
- Archeological Construction Monitoring
- Cemetery Delineation and Documentation
- Cemetery Relocation/Archeological Recovery of Human Remains
- Cemetery Landscape and Monument Documentation
- Regulatory Compliance
- Viewshed Analysis
- Preliminary Literature Review and Site Analysis
- Phase I Architectural Survey (Reconnaissance Level)
- Phase II Architectural Survey (Intensive Level)
- Mitigation Documents (Memorandums of Agreement/Local Proffers)
- Local Review Board Coordination and Public Outreach (Architectural Review Boards, Planning Commissions, Councils, Board of Supervisors, etc.)
- Section 106 Coordination with Federal Agencies, SHPO, and Consulting Parties
- Phase III Architectural Mitigation (Documentation/Interpretation)
- Preservation Planning
- Master Plan Contributions (Corridors, Small Areas, Redevelopment, etc.)
- Local Zoning and National Register Historic District Delineations
- National Register of Historic Places Nominations
- Historic Structures Report
- Historic Tax Credit Assistance
- Historic American Building Survey (HABS)
- Historic American Engineering Record (HAER)
- Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS)
- State and Local Level Documentation
- Historic Interpretation & Education
- Property Histories
- Thematic Studies
- Oral Histories
- Historical Markers
- Interpretation Plans
- Interpretive Signage
- Books, Brochures, and Pamphlets
- Website Content Development