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Stormwater/E&S and Wetland Permit Fines Increase - UPDATE
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) announced their 2017 civil penalty increases for Clean Water Act violations in the October 13, 2017 Federal Register. The increased COE penalties for Clean Water Act violations will take effect December 12, 2017, at which time they will match the corresponding U.S. Environmental Protection Agency civil penalties that took effect on January 15, 2017.
Bald Eagle Nest Survey Season Approaching
The bald eagle breeding season begins on December 15 and will continue until July 15 in Virginia and Maryland. The start of the breeding season is a reminder that, when present, active bald eagle nests carry a restriction of allowable activities within the vicinity of the nest.
That's Deep: Bathymetric Surveys
The lakes, ponds, and rivers in our landscape are valued for their aesthetics, water quality benefits, and recreation opportunities. For local communities, HOA’s, developers, and other stakeholders, the function of these waterbodies can be diminished over time by the accumulation of sediment. In addition to the loss of function, there can also be regulatory implications related to the volume of the facility (resulting from either the loss of design volume (primarily in SWM ponds) or the total volume, which is a parameter used to determine whether the facility is large enough to be regulated by the state).
New Burial Site Law in Montgomery County
The Montgomery County Council voted unanimously on October 31, 2017 to pass Bill 24-17 requiring the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission Planning Board to create and update, at least annually, an inventory of burial sites in the County. The law also requires that a burial site be protected from development except when protection would result in a "taking" of the property. The code amendment takes effect January 29, 2018, 90 days after passage.
Prince George’s County to Modify Environmental Technical Manual
In an effort to streamline the environmental approval process, Prince George’s County, Maryland, is proposing changes to its Environmental Technical Manual (ETM). Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. provided recommendations in August 2017 and is following this process which may lead to more timely progress on land development projects in Prince George’s County.