Vol. 30, No. 2 ● March 21, 2022
In This Issue:
Swamp Pink Surveys Help Avoid Costly Project Delays
Swamp Pink Surveys Help Avoid Costly Project Delays
It’s time for another season of swamp pink (Helonias bullata) surveys. If your project site will require wetlands permitting and is within or near known swamp pink habitat, you can minimize impacts to your project schedule by having WSSI conduct a swamp pink habitat evaluation or survey early in the development process – preferably during the April 15 - May 31 survey window or during the June 1 - September 30 window.
Spring Transitions - Bat Time of Year Restrictions
As we transition into warmer weather across Virginia and Maryland, bats in the area are emerging from their winter roosts as they transition to migration and breeding seasons. If your projects involve tree clearing, you may need to follow time of year restrictions for those bat species recognized as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act.
Staff Transition: Mark Headly Retiring
With immense appreciation for his leadership, wisdom, and dedication, WSSI announces the upcoming retirement of our colleague and friend, Mark Headly.
Throughout his career at WSSI, Mark has been a mentor to so many. Please join us in wishing him a fulfilling retirement and in thanking him for his work over the past 45 years before we say goodbye at the end of March.