Volume 24, Number 10 ● September 7, 2016
In This Issue
EPA Makes Unannounced Site Visits
Get Your Instream Work Done - Use III Time of Year Restriction Approaching in Maryland
Pervious Concrete Presentation and Demonstration at WSSI's Gainesville Office
EPA Makes Unannounced Site Visits
WSSI compliance staff performing a VSMP site inspection, documenting concerns with Pollution Prevention practices at a local site
The EPA made unannounced Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) inspections at several sites in Northern Virginia in June; staff from WSSI attended two of the visits, responding to a client request within an hour of EPA’s arrival. The EPA was accompanied by DEQ staff along with EPA’s third party consultant, PG Environmental. Their inspections focused on Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) compliance, VPDES permit postings, and overall site condition compliance.
Get Your Instream Work Done - Use III Time of Year Restriction Approaching in Maryland
Jabez Branch - a Use III waterway in Anne Arundel County, Maryland
The instream work time-of-year restriction (TOYR) within Use III waterways in Maryland – nontidal cold waters - is rapidly approaching. The TOYR, which goes into effect on October 1 and ends on April 30, prohibits instream work such as road construction, utility line and stream diversion installation, and stream restoration activities. Use III waterways are generally located in western Maryland, northern Montgomery County, Howard County, Carroll County, and Baltimore County.
Endangered and Threatened Species Alert:
Survey Window for the State-Threatened Wood Turtle Opens Soon
WSSI scientist handling a wood turtle.
If you are planning to develop property in Northern Virginia that has a clear, moderate to fast-flowing perennial stream and a relatively undisturbed floodplain, you may need a survey for the wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) this winter - or your wetlands permitting may be delayed up to a year!
Pervious Concrete Presentation and Demonstration at WSSI's Gainesville Office
Pervious concrete at WSSI's Gold LEED-certified headquarters
The Northern Virginia Concrete Advisory Council (NVCAC) and Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI) will host the 2016 Pervious Concrete Maintenance & Cleaning Presentation & Demonstration at WSSI's Gainesville office on October 28, 2016 from 9 until 1. The event consists of a seminar, a panel discussion with Q & A, and a demonstration.