Howard County Passes New Forest Conservation Law and Increases Fees In-Lieu For Forest Impacts

Howard County has increased forest protection and the associated fees-in-lieu

Howard County has increased forest protection and the associated fees-in-lieu

Howard County, Maryland has adopted a new Forest Conservation Law, effective February 5, 2020, and increased required fees in-lieu fees for forest impacts, effective immediately.  Council Bill 62-2019 and its amendments include significant changes to the amount of reforestation required, variances, native specimen trees, and the width of replanted forests.  The key components are summarized herein.

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Expanding Our Horizons With a View From the Air

Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. continuously pursues innovative technologies to provide the best services and resources for our clients.  One of these new endeavors is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to bring new capabilities, efficiencies, and advantages to meet a wide range of project needs.

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WSSI's drone services deliver new opportunities for efficiency and site access

WSSI's drone services deliver new opportunities for efficiency and site access

Drone/UAV and Reality Capture Training and Consulting

The drone captured this image during a demonstration for a class of arborists in Waynesboro, Virginia

The drone captured this image during a demonstration for a class of arborists in Waynesboro, Virginia

CivilTraining, LLC, a division of Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI), is now providing reality capture training and consulting for aerial LiDAR, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry, 3D laser scanning systems, and point cloud data extraction. These new technologies – which can acquire unprecedented detail at a fraction of the cost and time required by conventional methodologies – bring new opportunities to streamline engineering and development processes. WSSI provides these services, and can also train and advise others who want to excel in this sector.

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