Vol. 27, No. 11 ● December 19, 2019
Drone/UAV and Reality Capture Training and Consulting
CivilTraining, LLC, a division of Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI), is now providing reality capture training and consulting for LiDAR analysis, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry, 3D laser scanning systems, and point cloud data extraction. These new technologies – which can acquire unprecedented detail at a fraction of the cost and time required by conventional methodologies – bring new opportunities to streamline engineering and development processes. WSSI provides these services, and can also train and advise others who want to excel in this sector.
Our instructors use the very technology and workflows they teach, and as industry leaders are uniquely qualified to provide consulting and training to professionals. They understand the nuances and challenges of the entire reality capture workflow, from acquiring data in the field to processing and data extraction in the office, and can help make a complex process smooth and tailored to address the project or client needs.
The drone captured this image during a demonstration for a class of arborists in Waynesboro, Virginia
- Drone Regulation and Program Development
- Pix4D Drone Topography and Mapping
- Pix4D Drone Mapping for Public Safety
- Leica Pxx Series Scanners
- Leica Cyclone
We can develop classes to suit your needs – contact us!
Hands-on and focused around real world application CivilTraining’s classes and guidance stand out from other training programs. We focus on training students to understand and capitalize on the best aspects of the latest technology, and guide classes through practice projects. Practicing with experts gives our students the skills necessary to implement and integrate what they learn into their own workflows.
Our classes have traditionally appealed to engineering, survey, and construction professionals; however Reality Capture technologies have widespread applications and cross-industry appeal, from public safety and law enforcement to energy/utility and insurance investigation. We tailor our classes to the needs and interests of our students.
To further discuss your Reality Capture training or consulting needs, please contact John Cooke or Jim Quirin. A full list of offerings is available on CivilTraining’s website.
- Proper flight parameters to acquire detailed imagery
- Utilization of constraints to scale the imagery
- Imagery processing
- Developing 3D models and point clouds through Pix4-D
- Extracting and analyzing relevant data