Vol. 27, No. 11 ● December 19, 2019
Expanding Our Horizons With A View From the Air
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI) continuously pursues innovative technologies to provide the best services and resources for our clients. One of these new endeavors is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to bring new capabilities, efficiencies, and advantages to meet a wide range of project needs.
Our UAV (i.e., drone) services include
Surveys (as-builts, topographic)
Vegetation and wildlife surveys
Tree health inspections
Reality Capture
Training and Consultation
Inspections and monitoring: construction, encroachments, site maintenance, dam removal
Photogrammetry (topography, floodplain evaluation, 3D modeling)
To investigate how our drone services could benefit your projects, please contact John Cooke, Paul Szarowicz, or Jim Quirin.