Volume 26, Number 2 ● February 23, 2018
2018 Dam Safety Grants
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has announced that dam owners and local governments can apply for $900,000 in grants from the Virginia Dam Safety, Flood Prevention, and Protection Assistance Fund. For existing state regulated dams that are owned by local governments or private entities, 50% matching grants will be available to help offset engineering costs associated with dam safety improvements. Applications are due March 30.
WSSI staff inspecting a dam.
Eligibility and Funding
Virginia’s Dam Safety, Flood Prevention and Protection Assistance Fund (the “Fund”) was established to help eligible dam owners offset expenses associated with developing or maintaining existing state regulated facilities in accordance with the Virginia Impounding Structure Regulations. Eligible project scopes generally include professional services engaged to either demonstrate compliance with state regulations or improve dam safety, such as the development of an Emergency Action Plan, Dam Break Inundation Zone Analysis, Incremental Damage Analyses, or engineering services for dam repairs.
Grants are awarded as reimbursements on a 50% matching basis, meaning that the total amount of assistance will not be greater than 50% of the total eligible costs, and funds are reimbursed only after the owner provides the required paperwork demonstrating services have been paid for and the consultant engineer has verified task or project completion. Traditionally, grant assistance has been awarded on a competitive scoring basis, which prioritizes projects based on hazard classification and project effectiveness in improving dam safety in the community. Thus, addressing the dam safety of a high hazard dam will likely receive a higher priority and more funding than for a low hazard dam.
Applications are due March 30, 2018. The amount of a grant awarded to a project is dependent on the total amount of available funds ($900,000 for 2018) and the number of grants awarded.
If you would like to discuss the possibility of applying for a dam safety grant for your state regulated facility or have any questions concerning dam safety regulations, please contact Mike Marsala or Frank Graziano.