Volume 26, Number 2 ● February 23, 2018
8th Annual Reston Kids' Trout Fishing Day – Right Around the Corner!
On Saturday March 24th, kids age 3-15 are invited to attend the 8th Annual Reston Kids’ Trout Fishing Day. Sponsors Wetland Studies and Solutions, Reston Association, Friends of Reston, the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Northern Virginia Trout Unlimited, and the Wildlife Foundation of Virginia are hosting this event along a section of Snakeden Branch that WSSI restored in the spring of 2009 as part of the Northern Virginia Stream Restoration Bank.
This section of stream between Soapstone Drive and Lake Audubon will be stocked with hundreds of rainbow trout, where kids will be able to fish between 8:00 am and noon. Volunteers from sponsoring organizations will be on hand to help with baiting hooks, fishing, and cleaning your catch – kids will be able to keep up to four fish each! This event offers a unique opportunity to experience the outdoors and learn about our local natural resources.
For some, it's an opportunity to fish for the first time.
For more information about the 8th Annual Reston Kids’ Trout Fishing Day, please contact Alex Chapla at Wetland Studies and Solutions.