Northern Virginia Stream Restoration Bank
Fairfax County, Virginia
Owner: Reston Association
Why let a beautiful, restored stream go unexplored? See how WSSI & local organizations encourage adventure with the annual Reston Kids' Trout Fishing Day! Reston's streams - once eyesores with eroding banks and toppling trees - have been restored and are now a community retreat for fun and good old fashioned family bonding.
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI), managing member of Northern Virginia Stream Restoration, L.C., has designed, permitted, and constructed approximately 11 miles of degraded streams, employing a phased construction approach that began in February 2008.
In order to gain regulatory approval of the NVSRB, the first dedicated stream bank in Virginia, WSSI worked closely with federal and state agencies to develop a “currency” (Stream Credit Units or SCUs) for assessing stream impacts and required mitigation. The resulting “Virginia Stream Impact Assessment Manual” (SIAM) developed by WSSI was approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for use in the NVSRB and formed the basis for the “Unified Stream Methodology” (USM) developed by the COE and DEQ for use throughout Virginia.
The streams have been restored through the use of Natural Channel Design (NCD) techniques that include raising the bed to reconnect higher storm flows with the floodplain. Design flow rates were developed through assessment of various design protocols, including hydrologic modeling using HEC-HMS. Hydraulic performance of the restoration designs were confirmed using HEC-RAS.
In order to gain public acceptance of the projects, WSSI employed a comprehensive public outreach campaign. WSSI staff conducted more than 100 community meetings and meetings with local plan approval authorities (Reston Association Design Review Board and Reston Association Board). WSSI’s outreach extends beyond public meetings to include the annual community fishing event for children, displays for the Reston museum, and interpretive signage.
WSSI has provided full time construction inspection and oversight as well as stakeout and as-built surveys, and WSSI is responsible for 10 years of post-construction monitoring and maintenance to ensure a successful restoration, including geomorphic, riparian, and benthic macroinvertebrate community measurements.
Some reaches have completed their 10th growing season – and all reaches have met (and exceeded) monitoring requirements.
Reach 12 of Snakeden Branch - Reston, Virginia
Before restoration
Erosion of this urban stream's bed and banks exposed buried utility lines, damaged adjacent walking trails, and exposed tree roots, causing healthy trees to topple.
1.5 years after restoration construction
During restoration construction, the stream bed was raised to reconnect with the floodplain. Placement of rock structures directs flow away from channel banks and creates riffles & pools.
5 years after restoration construction
The stream ecosystem is healthy and the riparian vegetation is abundant and flourishing. The restored stream system is a community asset.
Citizen Science at NVSRB!
WSSI is pleased that NVSRB has generated community interest and learning as well. Students from South Lake High School partnered with WSSI and others to assess stream restoration effectiveness and develop a Citizen Science approach that can provide educational opportunities. Click here to see their March 2019 presentation.