VDOT Term Contract for Hazardous Materials and Compliance and Term Contract for MS4 Support Services
Virginia, statewide
Owner: Virginia Department of Transportation
WSSI has provided comprehensive environmental engineering services to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) since 2006 under separate consecutive Indefinite Delivery contracts for Hazardous Materials and Related Services and for MS4 Permit Program Implementation Support. Tasks have included investigations, feasibility studies, field inspections, cost and time estimates for corrective action, preliminary design, programmatic manual development, training, and compliance audits.
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Compliance
UST closures and removals
Prepared SPCC Plans for more than 40 facilities across the Commonwealth with fixed-bulk storage, mobile or potable storage, and oil-filled operational equipment. We have also provided certified Steel Tank Institute (STI) inspectors for AST inspections, and developed and given SPCC training to oil handling personnel.
Special Provisions
Prepared special provisions to include with bid specifications for handling and managing contaminated media (i.e., soil, groundwater, building materials) encountered during transportation construction projects. Provisions included required handling and management practices as well as well as breakout of costs.
Environmental Compliance
MS4 Programmatic Support
Conducted multi-media compliance audits at 300+ VDOT facilities statewide. Assisted VDOT in the development of an audit checklist specific to VDOT operations including management of salt, asphalt, petroleum storage (AST and UST), emergency generators, boils, oil/water separators, hazardous materials, hazardous waste, universal waste, vehicle washing, and MS4 compliance. Provided technical support in the development of the Compliance Module addition to VDOT’s environmental tracking software.
Site Investigations/Remedial Design
Conducted on-site training for SPCC, UST Operator Class A&B, Waste Management and Stormwater Pollution Prevention at facilities statewide. Developed site-specific digital training modules for SPCC facilities.
Asbestos Management
Completed ACM inspections for 400+ projects statewide. Prepared bid specifications for removal and provided contractor oversight and air monitoring during removal activities.
Stormwater BMP Rehabilitation and Improvement
MS4 outfall inspections
Engineering evaluation of failing post-construction stormwater facilities to determine cost effective rehabilitation. Provided engineering recommendations and cost estimates for retrofit and long-term maintenance.
Program Manuals and Training Materials
Assisted VDOT in the development of numerous Erosion & Sediment Control (ESC) and Stormwater program manuals for use by multiple divisions within VDOT and outside contractors. Manuals included Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention, BMP Inspection, BMP Maintenance, Illicit Discharge and Detection Elimination (IDDE), and Field Guides for outfall inspections.
Construction Inspections
Performed 30+ QA/QC construction inspections annually statewide to evaluate compliance with the MS4 program, required documentation, implementation of program materials, and address site specific issues. This data was analyzed to evaluate areas that may need additional training, clarification, or guidance documents to provide a consistent compliant statewide MS4 program.
Environmental Site Assessments
Numerous property assessments and site investigations for a wide range of projects. WSSI staff design and implement these projects to meet the applicable ASTM requirements while providing VDOT with the data required for the State Environmental Review Process (SERP) and any federally funded project grants.
(VDOT contracted with EEE Consulting, Inc. (3e), which WSSI acquired in November 2020)