contact us to discuss your project

WSSI scientists provide a variety of natural resource services to assist clients with all stages of project development - from initial site feasibility analysis through site construction and development. Our services are crucial for obtaining Clean Water Act and state wetland permits, and also for compliance with Chesapeake Bay protection ordinances.  Our staff continually expand their knowledge and practice through training, continuing education, and research so we’re prepared to provide the best environmental consulting services for our clients on even the most challenging sites.

Our well-trained, experienced scientists provide a wide range of services including:

  • Wetland and stream reconnaissance studies and delineations

  • Chesapeake Bay ordinance studies, including perennial flow studies and resource protection area evaluation

  • Wetland functional assessments

  • Endangered and threatened species habitat evaluations and surveys (click here for more)

  • Stream and aquatic habitat and biological water quality assessments

  • Wetland and stream mitigation monitoring

  • Biological inventories, including benthic macroinvertebrate surveys, submerged aquatic vegetation surveys, and rare plant community assessments

  • Existing vegetation mapping, tree stand evaluations, forest management plans, and tree preservation plans

  • Environmental Site Assessments

  • Support in local zoning and special exception processes

Benthic macroinvertebrate survey

Benthic macroinvertebrate survey

Our staff includes:

  • Professional Wetland Delineators

  • Professional Wetland Scientists

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife-approved surveyors

  • ISA Arborists with TRAQ certification

  • Licensed Foresters

  • MBSS Certified Macroinvertebrate Samplers

  • SFS Certified Taxonomists

  • Certified Ecologists